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Shipping Flowers for  Preservation

Floral Preservation is such a special way to cherish your memories forever


*Please note that the shipping cost is the customer's financial responsibility. There is no guarantee that your flowers will be in good condition due to shipping risks. Overnight shipping can be expensive.

If you are local you may arrange to drop off flowers in person.


How to package fresh flowers for mailing them:

Try to keep the flowers in water as long as possible until shipping. Do not put the flowers in direct sunlight. Place in a cool dark place. Please overnight ship them to ensure the best results. I need the flowers 24 hours after the event for them to look the best. 48 hours is the maximum. Flower turn brown quite easily. 



Supplies needed:

Medium size box

Small box

Ice packs (optional)

Packing paper, etc 

Paper towels




1. You need a box a little bigger than the bouquet (a couple of inches taller than the whole bouquet, you can cut the stems down to help with this) or you can opt for a Styrofoam cooler box with icepacks


2. Get a smaller box and cut a hole to put the flower stems in as the base. Don't make the hole too big. Then tape the box down securely to the bigger box. (this acts like a vase for the flowers so they will stay secure) make sure it's taped really well so it's secure and does not fall out.


3. Wrap wet paper towels around the stems only. Then cover the paper towels portion with plastic wrap to keep the moisture in. Do not use bubble wrap as they will kill the flowers. Also Ziploc bags around the icepacks can help with any drips of water to not get on the flower and create mold. Don't use ice cubes as they will just melt and ruin your flowers. Keep flowers upright in the box and put, wrapping paper, paper towels bunched up  around the flowers but be careful not to crush flowers


Order info: write your name, what you sent, and what mold you wanted, on a slip of paper inside the box 

*To help with shipping cost don't get too big of a box

Suggest using UPS or Fedex. 


Write fragile on the box!


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